Az Európa Tanács Miniszteri Bizottsága
a kisebbségvédelmi keretegyezmény romániai alkalmazásáról

A múlt hét csütörtökén az Európa Tanács Miniszteri Bizottsága határozatot fogadott el a kisebbségvédelmi keretegyezmény romániai alkalmazásáról. A szöveg rövid és száraz, ebben azonban utal a bizottság a szakértõkbõl álló Tanácsadó Bizottság (Advisory Committee) jelentésére, melynek megállapításait úgyszintén figyelembe kell vennie a román kormányzatnak. Eme jelentésben két helyen is szó esik a csángókról, mindkét helyen azt fogalmazza meg a bizottság, hogy ezt a csoportot el kell ismerni kisebbségnek, és vonatkoztatni kell rá a Kisebbségvédelmi Keretegyezmény elõírásait.

A jelentés egyébként pontról pontra sorba veszi a keretegyezmény elõírásait, és ezek romániai alkalmazásával kapcsolatos megállapításokat fûz hozzá. Sajnálatos módon nem találtam a csángókra vonatkozó utalást az anyanyelvi oktatásról szóló 13. és 14. cikkelyhez fûzött megjegyzésekben. Ennek az lehet az oka, hogy az Advisory Committee tavaly áprilisban készítette a jelentését, az ajánlásokat pedig májusban keltezték. Ez a jelentés viszont ez év elején került fel az Európa Tanács honlapjára.

Megállapításaira a román kormány is hosszú választ adott, abban alaposan el van mázolva a csángó-kérdés.

A továbbiakban idemásolom angol nyelven a Miniszteri bizottság jelentését, valamint a szakértõi bizottság jelentésének és a román kormány válaszának a csángókkal kapcsolatos részét. A magyar szövegre vágyók a következõ levélben elolvashatják az ezeket összefoglaló Krónika-cikket.

Gazda Árpád

Resolution ResCMN(2002)5 on the implementation of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities by Romania (Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 13 March 2002 at the 788th meeting of the Ministers' Deputies)

The Committee of Ministers, under the terms of Articles 24 to 26 of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (hereinafter referred to as "the Framework Convention"), and sitting in the presence of non-member states Parties;3

Having regard to Resolution (97) 10 of 17 September 1997 setting out rules adopted by the Committee of Ministers on the monitoring arrangements under Articles 24 to 26 of the Framework Convention in particular rule 394 of Resolution (97) 10;

Having regard to the voting rule adopted in the context of adopting Resolution (97) 10;5

Having regard to the instrument of ratification deposited by Romania on 11 May 1995;

Recalling that the Government of Romania transmitted its state report in respect of the first monitoring cycle under the Framework Convention on 24 June 1999;

Whereas the Advisory Committee accepted the invitation of the Government of Romania to send a delegation to gather further information in Romania; this visit taking place from 19 to 21 June 2000;

Whereas the Advisory Committee's opinion on the implementation of the Framework Convention by Romania was adopted on 6 April 2001 and then transmitted to the Permanent Representative of Romania and communicated to the permanent representatives of all member states and to the representatives of non-member states Parties as document CM(2001)91rev. and subsequently made public by the Romanian Government;

Whereas the Government of Romania submitted its written comments on the opinion of the Advisory Committee within the time-limit of four months following the communication of the said opinion, these written comments having been communicated to the delegations of all member states and the non-member states Parties as an addendum to document CM(2001)91rev. dated 27 November 2001;

Having examined the Advisory Committee's opinion and the written comments of the Government of Romania;

Having also taken note of comments by other governments;

1. Adopts the following conclusions concerning the implementation of the Framework Convention by Romania:

- Romania has made commendable efforts to support national minorities and their cultures. Improvements have been recorded in recent years in inter-community relations and in the promotion of a climate of greater tolerance towards minorities.
- An institutional framework and important legal guarantees pertaining to some articles of the Framework Convention have been adopted and others are currently under discussion, but efforts are still needed to complete this framework as well as to ensure its full realisation in practice.
- Further efforts are required notably in the fields of media, public employment and education, areas where particular attention will have to be paid to the numerically smaller minorities.
- Despite the determination of the authorities to speed up the social integration of the Roma, real problems remain, notably as regards acts of discrimination in a wide range of societal settings and wide socio-economic differences between a large number of Roma and the remaining population as well as their treatment by some law-enforcement officials.

2. Recommends that Romania take appropriate account of the conclusions set out in section 1 above together with the various comments in the Advisory Committee's opinion.

3. Invites the Government of Romania, in accordance with Resolution (97) 10:

a. to continue the dialogue in progress with the Advisory Committee;
b. to keep the Advisory Committee regularly informed of the measures it has taken in response to the conclusions and recommendations set out in section 1 and 2 above.

Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities Opinion on Romania, adopted on 6 April 2001

18. It has been suggested that the Csangos are to be found among those "other nationalities". Since Romanian law says nothing about the conditions for recognition of minorities, it appears that some authorities take the view that the Csangos do not constitute a minority, and are not therefore entitled to the same rights as the minorities listed earlier. During its visit to Romania and in the light of information made available to it, the Advisory Committee noted that some representatives of the Csango community were most interested in benefiting from the measures taken by the state in favour of minorities. The Advisory Committee takes the view that, given the historic presence of the Csangos in Romania and the specific elements of their identity, the Romanian authorities should favourably consider the extension of the Framework Convention to persons stating that they are members of this community and should explore this question in consultation with the representatives of the Csangos.

19. As concerns the situation of other groups, the Advisory Committee is also of the opinion that it would be possible to consider inclusion of persons belonging to them in the application of the Framework Convention on an article-by-article basis and takes the view that the Romanian authorities should consider this issue in consultation with those concerned.


The Committee of Ministers concludes that it would be possible to consider the inclusion of persons belonging to other groups in the application of the Framework Convention on an article-by-article basis and recommends that Romania consider this issue in consultation with those concerned. Furthermore, the Committee of Ministers concludes that, given the historic presence of Csangos in Romania and the specific elements of their identity, persons belonging to this community cannot be a priori excluded from the personal scope of application of the Framework Convention. The Committee of Ministers therefore recommends that the examination mentioned above should extend to these persons as well.

Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities Comments of the Government of Romania on the Opinion of the Advisory Committee on the Implementation of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities in Romania

13. The results of the 1992 census also included data concerning persons belonging to national minorities other than those mentioned under this point. These persons were grouped together under the heading "Other nationalities". At the last census, the individual's declaration, freely made according to the dictates of his conscience, was recorded, as in the following examples: Slovenians, Italians, Csangos, Albanians, Gagauz. It should be noted that the organisation representing ethnic Italians (the Democratic Union of Italians) has one seat in Parliament won by virtue of the votes cast, the candidate in question actually being on another party's list but identified as being the representative of a minority.

17. In the 1992 census, the "Other nationalities" rubric included 8 602 persons (data published in the Census of Population and Housing of 7 January 1992) who declared themselves to belong to a particular national (ethnic) group corresponding to a national minority of other countries in Europe or other continents.

18. The persons who declared themselves to be Csangos (2 062 persons in 1992) are also included among "Other nationalities" as an ethnic/national group. 73% of Csangos declared Romanian to be their mother tongue, whilst 18.8% declared Hungarian. 93.3% declared themselves to belong to the Catholic Church.

This shows that with regard to the freedom to identify, or not to identify, with the name used to designate a particular ethnic group, the provisions of Article 3 have been rigorously adhered to by the Romanian authorities.

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